Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me

(not really, it's a song)

Wow, it's been awhile. I've been so caught up with other things, and I let the blog thing slip. To be honest, I think I'm not creative enough to keep up with one. There are several thoughts I have on different topics, new moodboards, interesting links I'd like to share, but I never post them. I feel lame.

Monday, August 9, 2010

manic monday

I love pop-up books...check out THIS site to make your own.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Richie: I have to tell you something.
Margot: What’s that?
Richie: I love you.
Margot: I love you, too.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

feeling moody

Derrick's...he is surprisingly picky, but I guess he just knows what he wants! :)
(the gray square is the wall color)

Friday, July 2, 2010

another moodboard

....for my newlywed friend Maria. To tell you the truth, I really don't care for the bedspread, but that's what she has, so that's what I had to work with. Balanced feminine (white orchids, curvy glass lamp) with masculine (geometric pillows)

Monday, June 21, 2010

manic monday

Here's another time "wasting" favorite: The Dieline
A website entirely devoted to beautiful and innovative packaging. It's complete genius eye candy.

Currently I am lusting this packaging design for earbuds...

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Good-bye LOST, you aptly named show. You explained the flash-sideways, but kept the island shrouded in mystery. Your characters intrigued us. Your plot made us seem like crazy conspiracy theorists when discussing it in casual conversation. You were the best thing that ever happened to me...on t.v. You kept me addicted and although you are gone, I still need a fix.

It was a wild, six year ride and now it's over.
Thank you for the memories.

Monday, May 17, 2010

manic monday

Feeling the need to lose yourself on-line? Check out this bento gallery from Anna the Red. Yummy! :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

manic monday

Tired of watching cat videos on youTube? I have decided that on random Mondays I will post a random link of something, well, random!
This moment's randomness is brought to us by
Don't let the name scare you, but don't let it fool you either. This is for serious bookaphiles, so proceed with caution, and enjoy! :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


One of my favorite home design blogs is Young House Love. So when my brother-in-law asked me for help w/ ideas for his new bachelor pad, I knew just what to do...make a mood board! Here is my "vision" for his dining room. The requirements were simple: square plates, lime green accents, & cheap! Here*s what I came up with...what do you think? (I*m a little worried it*s too girly)

The numbers are for the breakdown, but I don*t think I*ll post it since I*m pretty sure no one will care that much. Let*s just say most of it is from Ikea w/ some Target and C&B sprinkled in for good measure :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

que dulce!

I will have a brand-new baby girl in my arms in just a few short weeks, so my mother and I have started planning the baby shower. When I found this, I knew I had my theme:

A candy themed party! How fun would that be? The favors would be cello bags w/ labels (that I am in the process of designing), which the guests would fill with their favorite candies from the candy buffet!

Because of the huge table of goodies, we would only need simple decorations. And since we are planning it to be outdoors, I was thinking colorful fabric banners:

And how cute are these mini gumball machines? Wouldn*t they make the perfect prizes for those cheesy baby shower games? As well as travel-sized Candyland games and candy scented body sprays/lotions?

Well, that*s what I have so far. Now to work on the budget!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Alright, it*s a new year, new decade, a chance to start fresh.
I*m not big on New Year resolutions, but maybe writing them in a public forum will help me to keep them.
so. Here goes nothing...
Keep myself and my home more organized.
Buy a house.
More date nights with the husband.
Help the boy learn & explore his world.
Have this baby and balance my attention to both.
Finish ONE project instead of half assing several.
Blog more.

There! And I already did the last one. :)
What are yours?